Thursday, November 5, 2009

I was on my way to the church for a craft making afternoon. I looked over my right shoulder (like I always do) as I backed out of the garage. All of the sudden I heard a screeching/crunching sound. I thought, "Crap! What did I hit?" I looked over my left shoulder and apparently either Jason (Jaron's brother) or Rick (an employee) had parked a work pick up right across both bays of our garage (What the heck??!!). I just scraped the left back bumper of my car, no dent, luckily. So I pulled forward and got out to go move that dumb pick up. It was a stick shift and I guess it's been a while since I've drove one. I got in, put my foot on the brake and started the engine. I forgot to push in the clutch. The pick up started driving forward. For the life of me, I could not get it to stop!!! I was in a dead panic. Before I could do anything, it crashed right into the side of Jaron's Duramax pick up!!!! Both the driver's side door and back door are both probably going to need replaced now. Sucks to be me.


Brooke said...

Oh no! Brooke I am so sorry. That totally sucks.

Gary and Rebecca Dustin said...

Brooke....I totally can't stop laughing right now....It totally sucks to be you!!!!

Sorry it happened...Did Jaron almost kill you!!!

Marcy M Miller said...

Dang it- I feel for you! Not fun.

TJ Erica Scarbrough said...

oh brooke, that sounds like something i would do! really but in a way thats funny because in my head i can picture you telling the story to me!

Katie said...

i had left you a comment last week, but it didn't save for some reason..anywho, I am SOOOO sorry that happened! I can only imagine Jaron's reaction and how bad you felt!