In March we went to visit my parents in Portland and we decided to make a fun little overnight trip to the Oregon Coast. We stayed in Newport, OR and swam in the pool at the hotel. We were close enough to walk and eat at a local seafood house (yummy!). The next day we visited the Oregon Coast Aquarium. The kids loved it and we adults had a lot of fun, too. Then we got Taco Bell and sat and the beach and ate. We were very lucky to have decent weather. It was overcast, but no rain or wind-perfect.
This was our family Christmas picture taken by our friend Millie Hull in her home. It's crazy to think back that I was pregnant and didn't even really know.
This past fall a few moms got together to start a preschool. We each took turns teaching. It was a really fun, cheap way to have our kids doing something educational. The other pictures are of the Thanksgiving Turkey bowl at the Roderick's house. We loved drinking the hot chocolate on this cold morning.
This is Halloween 2008. Savannah wanted to be Wall*e and Hudson wanted to be a blue wall*e. It was fun putting those costumes together. Jaron and I went to our adult party dressed as pirates.