Friday, October 12, 2012

Tonight Grandma and Grandpa Miller are having a sleep over for the girls.  Morgin, Jordin, Savannah and even little Avynlee have gone to spend the evening roasting marshmallows, playing, watching movies and having a grand time.  Jaron and I went on a date with some of his friends from work.  We went to see Taken 2 after a yummy meal at Costa Vida and followed by blizzards from Dairy Queen.  That buy one get one free card we purchased in support of a high school band member has sure gotten it's use.  I had a pumpkin cheesequake blizzard, different from my usual Reeses, but I had to seize the the moment of the season.  That left Hudson to squeeze his way into someone's night.  Mom had to work an event at the college, which is often her lot on weekend nights, but Dad was happy to let Hudson come hang out with him.  Dad thought he and Hudson could go see a male vocal group on campus.  Before we started delivering all the kids to their determined destinations, Hudson came down with a headache.  I fed him some food and gave him a good dose of Ibuprofen in hopes he would feel better.  He tends to be like me, if we don't catch the headache in the beginning, it progressively gets worse.  We told him what grandpa had in mind to do that evening and he immediately responded with a protest of the potential boringness of it.  We offered him to get a babysitter at the house, or even we stay home with him for the evening, but in the end, it was decided that if he were given a green dollar bill, he would be a good sport and go with Grandpa to this concert.  I asked him in the car on the way over how he was feeling.   "Better and better by the minute," he replied with very apparent which he followed by asking if it was okay to trick Grandpa and say he was still not feeling good and maybe Grandpa wouldn't want to go to the boring concert.

At the end of the night, we pulled into my parents drive at almost the same time as my dad and Hudson.  I asked Dad if Hudson was good, since our deal was he only got the dollar if he was a good sport.  Dad's reply: Hudson was VERY well behaved.  He let it be known that he was very bored, but as the vocal group began to harmonize, Hudson began to blend his own voice in.  I eventually had to give him a signal to quiet down although I really didn't want to because he was in perfect harmony with the performers!

I was quiet happy with that report on more than one level.  Hudson climbed in the car with his ice cream treat Grandpa has gotten him and eavesdropped on mine and Jaron's conversation the whole way home with an occasional question of "why?" or "what did you say?"  He really is a cute, little impish fellow.